Our promise to you
Take me to Care Leaver Covenant ↘
Just because you are leaving care, or have already left care, we haven’t stopped caring about you. We want to make sure that you feel safe and supported and know where and who to go to for help.
The council, as your ‘corporate parents’, makes this commitment to you – the children, young people and care leavers we look after.
We will be here if things in your life don’t go to plan or you choose to have a change in direction. If you have a Personal Advisor, they will be able to help you and if you don’t, you can contact us.
If you claimed asylum as an unaccompanied child and have been supported by us, you can get the same support as a care leaver.
Care Leaver Covenant
Redbridge Council has signed up to the Care Leaver Covenant. This is a national inclusion programme run by central government that allows public, private and voluntary sector organisations to pledge support, including apprenticeships, work experience and free or discounted goods and services.
The five key priorities of the Care Leaver Covenant are:
- Independent Living
- Education, Employment & Training
- Safety & Security
- Mental & Physical Health
- Finance
To us, this means that everyone who works for the council is responsible for you as your corporate parents, and we work together across children’s social care and all other council teams to make sure that all young adults leaving care have the same opportunities as children growing up in their birth families’ homes.
As part of our whole-council approach, we are planning a number of projects to deliver the very best for you.
This work is so important to us that the council is leading the delivery of actions that a group of our care-experienced young people asked the council to commit to. Our councillors are also deeply committed to going the extra mile as corporate parents to grant you access to the best opportunities and outcomes possible.