Drugs and alcohol
If you or someone you know are struggling with drug and/or alcohol problems help and support is available.
The effects of drugs and alcohol on individuals, families and communities can be devastating.
Anyone can develop an addiction. For example, the NHS estimates that almost one in ten men and one in twenty women in the UK show signs of alcohol dependence. For some, unresolved mental health issues or the persistent effects of past trauma may lie at the root of their substance use. For others, it may be struggling to cope with pressures at work or a traumatic life event such as bereavement that starts them on the slippery slope to addiction, and which ultimately leads to a crisis in their lives.
Substance abuse can affect virtually all areas of an individuals or family’s life. This can include finances, ability to pay for basic living expenses, and interpersonal relationships with loved ones.
R3 (Redbridge, Recovery and Reintegration)
Free and confidential support service for individuals and their families in Redbridge affected by drug and alcohol problems.
The R3 service offers a wide range of support to individuals and their families who wish to receive advice, assessment, and treatment for their drug and/or alcohol problems.
The service is open to all Redbridge residents aged 18 or over, as well as their families and carers and is based in Ilford Chambers in Ilford town centre. It offers a wide range of clinical, non-clinical and harm reduction interventions including:
- Needle exchange
- Testing and vaccination for blood borne viruses
- Opioid substitute prescribing
- One to one psychosocial interventions and case management
- Structured groupwork programmes
- Community and residential detoxification
- Residential rehabilitation
- Recovery day services
- Accredited peer mentoring programme
You can self-refer to the service for support or be referred in through a professional such as GP, social worker, probation officer.
Contact details
3rd Floor, Ilford Chambers
11 Chapel Road
Ilford, IG1 2DR
Telephone: 0300 303 4612
Opening times: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, 10am to 5pm and Tuesday, 10am to 7pm
Via - Fusion
Via - Fusion provides a free, friendly confidential service to young people in the borough of Redbridge under the age of 18 who are using, or at risk of using drugs and alcohol.
It also provides family support for parents or carers of young people who are using substances. They provide training and workshops for young people and professionals around drug and alcohol awareness and the risks and effects associated with substances.
Via - Fusion offers help and support to young people including:
- harm reduction
- relapse prevention
- motivational work and education
- sexual health screening
- pregnancy testing
- advice and information
They offer services in schools, youth clubs and other bases in the borough in order to ensure that young people are able to access treatment and are also able to facilitate substitute prescribing where there is a need.
Contact details
Station Road Centre
Station Road
Telephone: 020 8708 7800
Email: fusion@viaorg.uk
Opening times: Contact the service to book an appointment
Referrals are accepted from parents/carers, school nurses, teachers, social services and specialist children's centres. Young people can also self refer too.