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Health and wellbeing

Find information and advice about staying healthy, including access to emotional, mental health and wellbeing services.

Whilst you are looked after (aged 16-18), you will continue to be offered an annual Health Assessment by one of our Children Looked After (CLA) Nurses. 

As of the 1 November, you will be provided with your Health Summary when you turn 18, which is a summary of your health information. If you are unsure if you have received this, please speak to your Personal Advisor.  

You will be registered with health services, such as a GP, dentist and optician  in the area you live. 

You can find out more about services available to you by searching the Redbridge Health and Wellbeing Directory 

When you reach the age of 18, your personal advisor can: 

  • help you register with health services, such as a GP, dentist and optician when you move home
  • help you access support to attend hospital or doctor’s appointments
  • information and support to access local sexual health services – GPs, pharmacies and sexual health clinics
  • help you register and access the free prescriptions scheme for care leavers

Access to emotional, mental health and wellbeing services 

You will also have access to emotional, mental health and wellbeing services in Redbridge, if you live in the borough. If you feel that you need a little more help or that you may be experiencing a mental health problem, then contact your GP or doctor. They can offer advice or refer you to specialist services. 

You can also contact the Access, Assessment and Brief Intervention Service (Redbridge). This is for adults aged 18 to 65 enquiring about mental health services in the borough. The service is provided by NELFT NHS Foundation Trust. Visit NELFT website or contact 0300 555 1088. 

Talking Therapies in Redbridge is a free, confidential NHS service that will work with you to help you feel better. They can help with a range of problems such as depression, anxiety, stress, bereavement and relationship problems. To access the service, complete an online Talking Therapies form or call 0300 300 1554 (Option 1) to arrange an initial telephone appointment. 

One Place East provides information and signposting for people experiencing or recovering from mental health problems and run many services including drop-in sessions, a befriending scheme for those who have become isolated and a volunteering project to support people into volunteering activities. 

There is also a mental health information directory and a user group called RUN-UP (Redbridge User Network User Pressure Group) that is open to people experiencing mental health problems and their carers. Visit One Place East website or call 020 8925 2435.

Imagine mental health provides a range of services in Redbridge including recovery support planning, social inclusion, user-led groups and peer support groups and a two hour drop in service open six days a week. You can contact the Imagine Redbridge Team on 020 8551 5314 or email 

If you have had an experience of a mental health illness and would like to return to employment or adult education or are at risk of losing your job, then Richmond Fellowship Employment Service can help. Visit Richmond Fellowship website

There is always someone you can talk to at Samaritans (Redbridge). They provide free and confidential emotional support if you are experiencing feelings of distress or despair, including those which may lead to suicide. Visit Samaritans website 

Sexual health services  

BeWize is a free and confidential young people’s sexual health service delivered by Via in the London Borough of Redbridge. They work with health professionals including GPs, pharmacies, school nurses and alongside schools, sixth forms, colleges and youth centres.

Visit the BeWize website for more information on how to access free testing, free condoms, and information about sex, relationships and contraception or call them on 0300 303 4551. 

You can also get a C-card for condoms for free if you are 15-25 years old. Visit Come Correct to find your local pharmacy. Pharmacies also offer emergency hormonal contraception, condoms and chlamydia/gonorrhoea testing for free. 

You can be tested on the last Thursday of the month at the Redbridge Central Library, IG1 1EA and the third Thursday of the month at Lloyds Pharmacy, 155 Manford Way, IG7 4DN.

You can also access the BHRUT sexual health clinic. Call 0208 970 5724 or book appointments online