Short term support
Reablement is short-term support that can help you to regain your skills, independence or ability to cope with everyday tasks.
Take me to Who can get reablement? ↘ How long can I get support for? ↘ How does it work? ↘ What happens after reablement? ↘
You might have lost your confidence or ability to do things for yourself because of an accident, illness, a disability, or a stay in hospital.
The support provided will focus on helping you to complete ordinary tasks like cooking meals, washing, dressing, moving around the home and going out. Equipment may also be provided if there is a need for it.
Who can get reablement?
You can get reablement if you:
- are over 18 years old
- live in Redbridge
- have recently lost some of your skills, confidence or independence
- your health care professional feels you might benefit from reablement
How long can I get support for?
Reablement can last from one day for a short term until a review is carried out to determine need for onward referral or discharge, depending on your individual circumstance and how you progress in meeting your goals.
How does it work?
A health professional will refer you to the reablement service and they will have told the service about some of your needs and goals.
A visit will then be carried out by a member of the Reablement team to discuss your situation, the things you need support with and how we can help you to be as independent as possible. A care plan is then drafted in agreement with the person or their next of Kin. This process is called an assessment which happens within 24 hours of commencement of support package.
Your assessment will help us to understand your social care needs, and if you can benefit from the reablement service.
What happens after reablement?
If reablement has worked well for you and you have managed to reach your goals, you may find that you do not need any further support.
If you still need further support, we will discuss your options with you and find out if you are eligible for ongoing support.
Redbridge reablement service leaflet